Proofreading Services

If you’re comfortable completing your own copywriting but not confident enough to hit that publish button, our proofreading services may be the answer.

Spelling and grammatical Errors

When web traffic lands on your website and your copywriting’s riddled with errors, your business may not be taken seriously. You could appear as unprofessional, leading potential customers to be skeptical about the products and services you provide.

Not only are spelling and grammatical errors harmful to your
brand’s reputation, but they can actually hurt your Google rankings. Web
traffic may even leave right away after seeing errors or poorly presented
information, resulting in high bounce rates.

Google could then start viewing your website as unhelpful and penalize you with lower search engine results.

Sentence Structure

So you know what you want to say, but are having a difficult time writing it? From run-on sentences to poor word usage, our team of proofreading specialists will edit your work and correct any sentence structure issues.

The newly revised copy will be more appealing to read and produce better conversion results.

Tone of voice

Think about the impression you want to leave on your audience: Do you want it to be serious and formal, or funny and lighthearted? Do you want to keep it casual and friendly? Or, do you want to remain joyful and positive?

Your business’s copywriting is meant to be an extension of your business itself. Use a suitable tone of voice throughout your copywriting to match your company’s brand.

toronto copywriters and experienced proofreaders

We’ll provide feedback on tone, syntax, and verbiage and make any corrections needed. We complete proofreading services day in and day out and can notice errors right away.