As entrepreneurs, the COVID-19 pandemic presents even more for us to worry about: What will this mean for our business’s financial future? How are we going to sustain ourselves during this crisis? Will we even have a business when this is all over?
Here are four tips to follow to make the most out of the unusual situation we currently find ourselves in.
1) Maintain a Regular Schedule
It can be easy to start sleeping in, eating unhealthy and aimlessly scrolling on social media. I know firsthand – that’s what I did myself during the first few days into this pandemic! However, it didn’t take long until I realized that to maintain my sanity, I would need to adopt a better routine.
Now, I set my alarm clock every day, begin my day with meditation and write out a to-do list of business (and household) tasks. I plan my meals and carve out time for daily exercise. Basically, I do what I did before the pandemic.
Being a remote worker for years, I, fortunately, am already used to working from home. Other than abstaining from having in-person client meetings, my business can operate as usual for me.
For many others, the adjustment to working from home can be harder than imagined. Use the tips in this article to help with this (hopefully temporary) business situation.
2) Pivot Your Business
Building a business involves a lot of dirt, sweat and tears. Thankfully, this entrepreneurial skillset will aid us immensely while living through this pandemic.
We are already intimately familiar with overcoming challenges and staying focused on our goals, so why should this particular time be any different? Entrepreneurs are used to thinking outside of the box and making the best of a given situation. Like any other time, that involves meeting the current needs and demands of our customers.
Some entrepreneurs have already pivoted their businesses to meet the unique challenges of social distancing. Some who never offered online sales before are working quickly to establish e-commerce websites. Business owners who have never used delivery services are now implementing ones that respect self-isolation. Other businesses that typically earn income by holding live, interactive sessions are resorting to webinars instead.
Many other entrepreneurs (like myself) are offering discounted services. These reduced rates help small business owners out while providing them with the same quality service Sarah McKenzie Copywriting Services is known for.
3) Stay in Touch with Your Customers
Make use of social media, email distribution systems and your website to keep customers informed of your new business operations.
If you’ve extended your return/exchange policy or altered your business’s hours of operations, distribute this information to your customers. For e-commerce businesses, create a policy on how customer inquires will be handled in the event of shipping delays.
Ease customers’ worries about purchasing products from you by sharing measures you’re taking to make your products or premises safe. Keep the lines of communication open and always let your customers know how you are there for them during this difficult time.
4) Improve Your Online Business Presence
There are probably countless to-dos that you’ve put off over the last few weeks, months or even years. Up until now, you’ve had to precariously balance maintaining store inventory, resolving employee-related issues and responding to customer requests, leaving not much time for anything else.
Even though your business may have slowed substantially (or entirely), now is not the time to put your business to the sidelines. Instead, use this slower period productively to improve your business’s marketing!
A lot of the clients we work with have noted that they wanted to develop a website, improve their blog or start an e-newsletter for years but simply never had the time to do so. Take advantage of this slower period (and of our limited time discount!) and use it wisely to create a website, improve your current website and update your Google My Business profile. Reach out to past clients and ask them to leave your business a review on social media and other online sites. Create and schedule future blog posts, social media content and e-newsletters.
If you need help with any marketing related tasks, our Toronto copywriting and web design team is happy to help.
The Bottom line
This unprecedented time requires us to operate our businesses and households in a completely different manner. It’s completely understandable that you may find it challenging to remain focussed on business operations.
If you do find yourself needing a mental health day, then take one – and try not to feel guilty about boycotting your routine. At the end of the day, the most important thing you can do right now is keep you and those around you safe.