5 Ways to Write SEO Website Copy that Sells


What do people come to your website for?

Is it to find out more about what your company offers?

To learn more about the services your company provides?

Or to conduct research before purchasing one of your company’s products?

Whatever the purpose may be, having quality SEO website copy is crucial. If your website visitors can’t quickly find the information that they need, they will quickly move on to a competitor’s website that does.

Here’s how to create killer website copy that will provide your website customers with the information they require…and help convert them into customers, too.

#1) Make it Easy to Navigate

If you think that web copy is not much different than printed text, think again! Whereas printed text readers are leisurely readers, website visitors are looking for quick answers to certain questions.

It’s only a matter of seconds for a website visitor to decide if your site is worth spending time on. Make this happen by using short sentences, effective headlines and bullet points rather than paragraphs.

By making sure your website is easy to navigate, website visitors will spend more time on your site – and be less tempted to move on to someone else’s site.

#2) Keep the Overall Look Clean

Resist the temptation to go big, bold and fancy regarding the overall look of your website! Instead, use a clean, simple layout so that website visitors can find the information they want quickly.

Keep the readability of your website in mind by considering font size, use of imagery and lack of clutter.

#3) Consider the Placement of Your Information

Contrary to regular printed text, it’s crucial that you place the most important information first on your website. Don’t use flowery phrases, idioms or clever wording. Avoid making your website visitors have to think too hard about your company’s information.

Instead, write your website copy clearly and in as straightforward of a way as possible!

#4) Know Your Target Audience

Before you start writing your web content, do some research to find out what your target audience is looking for. Then, complete some keyword research to find out what terms are being entered into search engines.

Use keywords throughout your copywriting to provide answers to these questions. Remember to always keep your writing engaging and relevant to your business.

#5) Make it Persuasive

Although easier said than done, creating persuasive website copy is crucial for increasing your customer base. A variety of techniques include using strategically crafted text that’s error-free, integrating calls to action and paying attention to visual appeal.

At the end of the day, not only do you want web visitors to find the information they require from your site, but you want to convert them into customers, too.

Ensure Your Website’s Copywriting is the Best

Websites are the best vehicle to use to transport your company’s information to potential customers. But in order to be effective, they must be constructed with quality, persuasive copywriting in mind.

To make your website’s copy sell, use the services of an experienced website copywriter. Contact us today for more details!


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