Although we often discuss the value of great website copywriting, we know that it’s impossible to do without effective branding.
And that starts with choosing a great brand name.
How you name your brand can make or break your business in many ways. Whatever you decide to name your brand, you must note that it’ll affect how much sales and profits you generate, how much buzz your brand creates, and the level of success you attain.
In addition, what makes a business grow is the association between your company name, its vision, objectives, and, finally, its tone. If you want to make all these features attractive to your target audience, you should put diligent efforts into developing a brand name.
Read on as we dive deeper into what it takes to create the perfect brand name and all you need to know before searching for the right brand names for sale.
How To Make Sure Your Brand Name Is the Right One
This brings us to one core aspect of brand naming – validation. So, what is validation, and why should it never be skipped in the brand naming process?
When we say validation, we refer to the proofreading section of your brand naming process. When you source brand names for sale, you don’t just send them out to the world and hope for an instant hit; that’s like sending out an essay project after creating the first draft. The process is incomplete without validation.
Take, for instance, Problogger; a brand that offers blogging trends and advice. Do you think this was created in one try? Of course not; the name had to go through a series of trials before it was declared the one.
There’s also Design Sponge, an entrepreneur-based website that still managed to make its name catchy and fun yet perfectly depict the brand.
There are also a few validation processes your potential brand name should undergo before the crowd can recognize it. Let’s have a look, shall we?
Audience Reviews
An important test your brand name must ace. Remember that your brand naming process is centred around its impact on your target audience. In essence, your target customers must become fans of your brand name before it’s made permanent.
So how do you achieve this? Try out your brand name on close friends and family members who aren’t part of your team. Hand out flyers to unsuspecting individuals in places like restaurants, arcades, and parks. Make it look like a survey exercise where a response from the audience is necessary.
For excellent results, ensure your brand name is unambiguous and void of negative connotations in other languages.
Domain Compatibility
After evaluating the results of the audience feedback, you should move on to check what available domains fit your chosen brand name. This can be tricky to an extent because you have to play around a bit by mixing up different spellings, syllables, vowels, word combos, etc., before figuring out the domain name that’s a perfect fit.
After this, you move on to add a URL suffix such as ‘.biz’ or ‘.co.’
This is the last box you need to check during the brand naming test list. Here, you diligently search for what names have been trademarked to avoid any legal setbacks.
What happens when you create a unique business idea and employ the best methods of operation, but your brand name lacks the edge it needs? It’s all downhill from there on various platforms, including social media, and in your copywriting.
That’s why proper care should be put into naming your brand. With the above criteria in place, you can be sure of building the foundation of a successful business.