After a while, coming up with fresh, new topics for your company’s blog can start to seem impossible.
You may start finding it difficult to generate content that will keep your reader engaged or begin to question what the purpose of blogging is. Maybe your blog posts start to get sporadic, too. Hey, blogging once in a while rather than on a regular basis is fine, right?
In short, no, it’s not. Here’s why high-quality, regular blog writing is important for your small business.
The Importance of Blog Writing
To rank highly on Google, you need to show that you’re constantly pumping out useful content to your audience. And what better way of accomplishing that than with your company’s blog page?
A blog is the only page on your website that you can constantly add to without generating clutter. When you make use of keywords in your blog copywriting, you can attract new traffic to your site. Once there, you can work on converting that traffic to leads.
Blog copywriting also helps keep current customers interested in your site. Even though they already know what your company does, your company’s blog gives them a reason to continue visiting your website. The content created for a blog isn’t just for one-time use, either. Use it to generate buzz on your social media sites or place a snippet of it in your e-newsletter (including a link back to your blog page, of course!) to create extra value.
Even better, blog writing is another avenue to build trust with your audience. It acts as a way to become authoritative in your industry and strengthen the image of your brand.
Why You Need to Post to Your Blog Regularly
When you visit a website and see outdated content, what do you think?
Do you start wondering if the company is still in business? Do you question the accuracy of the content on the site?
Keeping your website updated is one of the best ways to show prospects and customers that you are on top of things, professional and organized. It shows that you can communicate well, care deeply about your brand image and are trustworthy.
What would happen if you visited a company’s blog that listed its “latest news” with a publish date of two years ago, then visited another site that had published an article yesterday? The company with the up-to-date content would leave a better first impression on you, wouldn’t it?
The company with current information would rank higher on Google, too. When you stop publishing fresh content to your site, search engines stop crawling it – and your rankings can subsequently drop.
The Frequency of Blog Copywriting Matters
One question that we often get asked by new clients is, “How often should I be posting to my company’s blog page?”
Although there is no golden rule involving the number of posts, we always say the more often you can post, the better.
Some of our clients ask us to complete weekly blog posts for them, whereas others with a more limited budget contract us to do one or two per month.
Yes, the more frequent you post, the better chances you have of ranking higher on search engine results pages.
But we understand that as a small business owner, your marketing budget may be limited. And that’s okay! We will work with you to create a plan that works well for your company while at the same time helps build authority in your industry.
No matter how regular you decide to blog, there’s one key aspect to keep in mind: your blog content needs to be genuinely useful to readers. We can help you determine what topics resonate well with your audience and can educate you on the importance of evergreen content.
Interested in hearing more about how hiring a Toronto copywriter can help your business? Contact us today to arrange for a complimentary, 15-minute consultation to discuss your copywriting needs.