Copywriting for Websites: 5 Tips for Copywriting that Converts
When’s the last time you picked up the phone to call a business? If you’re like the majority of consumers, it’s been a while. With the increased use of smartphones and mobile shopping, buying online is a part of our day-to-day lives. More than half (55 percent) of all customer interactions usually start online, with […]
Copywriting 101: Everything You Should Know About Writing Your Best Copy
When done right, copywriting has the potential to take your business to a whole new level. Stellar copy helps you build your brand image and differentiate yourself from your competitors. Search engine optimization (SEO) rankings can improve, leading to more clicks on Google. You can also use it to create customer loyalty and a reputation […]
How To Make a Content Marketing Strategy
After reading our latest post, you now know what content marketing is and why it’s important for your business. Next up? Put that knowledge to use! Developing a plan for your content marketing is a huge task – and one that needs to be done right. To help, we’ve created an easy-to-follow checklist on how […]
Why Content Marketing Is Important for Your Business
How often do you post to social media? Write new blog articles? Create fresh content for your email distribution list? If you’re like many other small business owners, content marketing is something that’s squeezed into your day – often at the last minute (or sometimes not at all). And it’s no surprise why. Continuously coming […]
How to Easily Improve User Experience
Think about the last time you went into a store and received poor customer service. Did you ever go back? Like physical locations, websites have one opportunity to leave a first impression – good or bad – on a visitor. That’s why you need to do everything possible to ensure your website experience is a […]
4 Reasons to Refresh Your Website Design
Approximately 50 milliseconds – that’s the length of time it takes for users to create a first impression of your business. If it’s not positive, it takes only a couple more seconds for them to be checking out your competitor instead. There’s no doubt about it: You need your website to stand out. Hopefully, after […]
5 Reasons to Refresh Website Copywriting
For most business owners, your website is your best marketing tool. You use it to attract new traffic from Google, provide further information about your products and services, and direct social media traffic. But only a great website can achieve these goals. Website design and functionality are important – super important. Without them, brand image, […]
4 Benefits of Using WordPress As Your Website Platform
Unless otherwise requested, we build all of our clients’ websites using WordPress. We’re such strong supporters that we’ve even designed our site using it! Here are some of the major benefits of choosing WordPress as your website platform.
The Biggest Challenges Faced with Copywriting – and How to Fix Them
Tell me, how many times has the following happened to you? After you realize your blog or website needs a refresh, you’re excited to get started. But then you sit down in front of your computer, ready for the creative juices to flow. Except they don’t. Instead, you start to feel overwhelmed, confused, and frustrated…eventually […]
5 of the Best Productivity Tips for Busy Entrepreneurs
Many of us entrepreneurs share the same struggle: time management. How is it possible that we seem to work non-stop all day, yet never seem to get everything done that we want to? Why are there usually more tasks on our to-do lists at the end of the day, then at the beginning? This constant […]